Elsinore... friends from afar
What a fun day...
Radwhacker and DocSoc (and his lovely family) barreled in from Vegas, GTPowell drove over Santiago Canyon road, and I took the toll out to Elsinore.
It was pretty strong in the morning, but by the time we launched, it was good for ridge soaring. I was the first to launch and the last to land. My track log is pretty repetitive. Back, forth, repeat. But, it was smooth and fun... and relaxing not to have to worry about life. Normally, I wouldn't have stayed up quite so long, but I've been so frustrated by sled rides, I waited until God flicked the off switch on the winds (i.e. until the paragliders could launch).
My patience rewarded me in the LZ; the winds went catabatic and I got to land uphill. From my perspective on high, the LZ was "the killing fields" for most of the day, so I was relieved to nail the touchdown.
Cold beer flowed and smiling pilots chased the sun down.
Pics to follow, when my DocSoc posts them and ETeam Jack mails them to me.
Here is a closeup of my tracklog of my approach and landing:
Here is a panned-out Google Earth shot of the LZ from the same angle, with the Launch in the upper right corner.